C for Choosing. A to Z of Conscious Living.

Choosing (and Cosmic Google)A to Z - C

When we think we have nothing, we always have choice.

The question I ask myself a lot these days is “What would I choose?”. This is a question that was asked of me the very first time I met the founders of ‘Broadband Consciousness’, Richard Wilkins and Liz Ivory. A question that never fails to bring me back to my consciousness and realise that I have the ability to choose how I feel about absolutely anything I am facing.

Almost daily I am challenged by living with autism in the family. My son was diagnosed at the age of 2 (in 2007) and it has been a rollercoaster of a journey since. We experience incredible lows and exhilarating highs and every day is a new day on our journey.

On the days when the challenges become almost unbearable, this question of what I would choose comes to mind more often. My thoughts go down the road of ‘I cannot cope anymore / why is it happening to me / wish this was all over… “ and with those thoughts come feelings that I don’t want and wouldn’t choose to have. Then I ask myself “So what would I choose?”. This provides me with a break in the pattern of my sub-conscious thinking that takes me on auto-pilot to the pits of my mind. That break wakes me up so that I am conscious about what the situation actually is and allows me to breathe, notice and then really allow myself to feel what it is I am feeling.

When in this conscious state I can then answer that question. “If I could choose, and I am not saying that I can, but if I could, what feeling would I choose right now?” I would then think about a more supportive feeling such as gratitude for being here to support my son. I can then drop from the thoughts in my head to the feelings in my heart and begin to lift myself up from the place I was at.

It all sounds a bit too easy doesn’t it? That’s because we are conditioned to think that it isn’t easy to change our state of mind just like that, so we have to get over this belief first. The great thing is that changing a belief like that just takes a few successes to shift it. This is another good example of ‘what would I choose?’ So, would I choose to believe it was easy or hard to make my own choices about what to think and feel? Logically I would like to choose it was easy. That then makes me more consciously on the ‘look out’ for evidence to support that choice, so with a few successful shifts in choosing my feelings I can choose to believe I can do this at any time.

It can apply with any situation. If you could choose, would you choose to be happy or sad? If you would choose happy, then why when we are sad can’t we always simply choose happiness instead? Whilst we have the power to choose a more positive feeling over a negative one, and sometimes that creates the shift we want, often something else is at play and I will write more about this in the upcoming A to Z blog; ‘S is for Script’.

C is also for Cosmic Google.

We can’t get away from the internet these days if we want to get hold of all the many resources to help us with the task in hand. What use is a computer nowadays if it doesn’t have internet access? Sometimes when we are living consciously we also want quick and easy access to new thoughts, ideas, solutions, and guidance. Just as the computer needs to be connected to the internet to access google, we also need to be connected so we can ‘download’ new and creative thoughts and feelings to inspire and motivate us. This is broadband consciousness, tapping into ‘cosmic google’ and the connection is with your higher self. I will write more about this in the blog ‘E for Energy’

With love and gratitude
